Andrew Harrison, Director at the Event Supplier & Services Association, explores how businesses can choose the right accreditation among increasing competition.
Accreditation has become an increasingly popular option for those in the events industry looking to demonstrate their ability to fulfil their role to an accepted standard. Yet, as the number of accreditation options has grown, as have the number of companies wanting to stand out, I feel we have begun to lose sight of what the purpose of accreditation is.
Ultimately, accreditation is about setting real standards within the industry and working together to achieve them – being part of something bigger and part of a group of like-minded individuals wanting to do better for our industry.
This community aspect of accreditation is something I feel is lacking today. Accreditation is so much more than placing a new logo on your website and social media profiles – it’s a showcase of your commitment to supporting better standards in the events industry with real evidence of your ability to do so.
Accreditation also places a commitment on those to showcase their ability to work to these standards. It’s not simply enough to say you are committed to working to them – you need to be able to demonstrate your ability to do so. The process might seem daunting, but it’s important to know that accreditation is designed to support, not overwhelm, something that is very important for both our own Health & Safety Accreditation and Sustainability Accreditation.
Ultimately, accreditation is not about ticking boxes – it’s about helping businesses grow, achieving excellence, and standing out in the competitive events industry. With the support and resources available, companies of all sizes should feel empowered to take this step towards greater success.