A unique venue will add value, offering something that could not be found anywhere else.
When you search a unique venue, often it’s the outside or location that you look for. A castle in the country, or historic space with distinctive architecture or a space with a specific theme. But it’s on the inside where the uniqueness shines through for the delegate experience, and a good event planner will be looking for those special touches, where the venue is a key part of the experience and not just the backdrop.
Special Treatment
Unique venues should make your delegates feel special, offering them something new and different, such as a private tour or an area usually inaccessible, with tastings or a meet and greet.
Delegates need to forget about work and bond with peers. What better way to achieve this than at a theme park or arcade complex to encompass fun social or team building opportunities and soften those ice breaker moments at the start of the event.
Novelty Scenarios
Think transportation events on a double decker bus or even in a train carriage, the excitement comes from doing something new in a familiar space. Novelty scenarios are about using your venue to put your delegates into new and interesting situations, so think big and bold to create an event to remember.
Trending Topics
Get your delegates talking and snapping great photos for social media with a weird and wonderful theme, such as a farm or museum. Amaze your delegates and take them to another world to create a great social media stir ensuring your event gets plenty of online viewers to remember your brand.
You’ll Never Guess
Make your event the subject of juicy gossip and keep them waiting, drawing on people’s natural inclination to know more; sometimes a mere theme without the venue being advertised could create stir.